When was the last time you thought about starting your own business, working for yourself, or just creating an additional stream of income to support you and your family? There hasn’t been a better time than now to make this happen. What? Are you crazy? Have you heard of Covid? Yes! Many people are using this unprecedented time in our history to leverage their retirement funds, take advantage of loan programs, or use their cash-on-hand to take action.
The next question people usually ask is “What do I do to make this happen?” Might I suggest a franchise? Franchising is not just fast food. There are dozens of business opportunities in industries like automotive, interior design, home services, professional services, and much more.
“So, where do I start? Google?” NO! When you want advice on any subject, consult an expert. There are companies and independent experts in the field that can help you assess your skills, review your goals and desires, challenge your process, and help you find the best fit for you and your family.
The role of a franchise consultant is to match up individuals, families, partners, etc., with the business type and franchise organization that gives their client the best chance at being successful. Depending on your skills and capabilities, you can own and operate a single unit or acquire large territories to accomplish your goals. Maybe you’d like a nice business on the side for additional income without having to invest time away from your current career or your family. Let a consultant show you options that fit your needs.
“But I don’t have the money to start a business”. You would be surprised at the creative ways new businesses can be funded. Again, the right consultant can help you.
So how does this work? A consultant is paid by the franchise company you ultimately decide to do business with. There is no cost to you to get advice from a good consultant. Consultants have a process to assess your goals, secure any necessary financing, assist in finding an attorney to review agreements and give advice that is best suited for you and your family.
Lastly, a good consultant should have your best interest in mind. After all, your referral or Google review means more than a commission.
Right now is the perfect time to consider options in the world of franchising, and the conversation is free. Take advantage of these unprecedented times, explore the possibilities, and get guidance from a qualified franchise consultant.